2nd Motion Mongolia International Contemporary Dance Festival to take place virtually

Art & Culture
2021-04-13 14:03:16

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Arts Council of Mongolia in collaboration with Mongolian Ballet Program is to organize the 2nd online “Motion Mongolia” International Contemporary Dance Festival under a theme “Rhythm of the City” between April 26 and May 2, 2021.

The festival aims to contribute to the development of modern dance, to build capacity of professional dancers and expand international partnerships of the sector. The festival will be held online through the official facebook page www.facebook.com/motionmongolia during April 26 to May 2, 2021.

This year’s Motion Mongolia International Contemporary Dance Festival consists five main parts: the opening performance, an international dance program, a competition for Mongolian dancers, master classes and dance film showcase. Artists from Croatia, United States of America, Canada, Poland, South Korea, Austria and Mongolia will participate in the international dance program.