Agreement signed with Erdeneburen hydropower plant project’s general contractor

2021-09-22 16:03:12

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ At the Cabinet’s regular meeting on September 22, Minister of Energy gave updates on the Erdeneburen hydropower plant.


The Ministry of Energy signed an agreement with the general contractor of Erdeneburen hydropower plant project included in the Government’s Action program for 2020-2024 on September 17. 


Power Construction Corporation of China Ltd and Powerchina Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited were selected to construct the hydropower plant with an installed capacity of 90 MW. The construction is planned to begin in 2022 and be completed in 2026 and the power plant will open in 2027. 


The Erdeneburen hydropower plant will produce 366 million kW/h electricity annually and supply it to Altai-Uliastai regional power system to provide the region with electricity.