Cabinet news in brief
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ At its
regular meeting on April 13, the Cabinet made the following decisions:
-MNT 5 billion required for
expanding the container transfer zone at Zamyn Uud-Erlian border checkpoint and
supporting transport flow will be provided from the government’s reserve fund.
-The Cabinet discussed a Bill to amend the donor law, developed by MP J.Chinburen, and
accompanying bills and decided to submit the suggestions of Cabinet member
to the MP.
-Bilegdorj Dash was appointed as the Mongolian co-chair of Mongolian-Russian interstate joint border inspection commission.
-Relevant ministers were ordered
to take measures to calculate the amount of work that has to be done to provide
electricity and thermal energy sources for the water treatment plant to be
built under a compact by June 2024 alongside the capacity and budgeted cost and
have the funds necessary earmarked in the 2023 budget.