“Long-term Development Policy, Digital Transition-2022” forum jointly organized
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. The Office of the Prime Minister of Mongolia, the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications, and the Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA) jointly organized the “Long-term Development Policy, Digital Transition-2022” forum in-person and online on October 21.
About 800 representatives of the government, private sector, and civil society organizations attended the forum, 100 representatives in person and 400 representatives online, which aims to support the activities of the digital transition following the goal of becoming a “Digital Nation” included in the long-term development policy of Mongolia “Vision-2050.”
The Prime Minister of Mongolia, L. Oyun-Erdene, the Minister of Digital Development and Communications, N. Uchral, and the Director of the Economics, Humanities and Social Research Council of the Republic of Korea, Jung Hae-Gu, virtually delivered opening speech and presentations. The Republic of Korea made four speeches, Mongolia made two speeches online, and the Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Communications, B. Bolor-Erdene, gave a lecture on the topic “Digital Nation within the framework of the long-term development policy”.
Keynote speakers presented theoretical and methodological presentations based on the best practices of Mongolia, Korea, and Singapore, held discussions, and exchanged opinions on the same topics. The topics are the transition and development trends of digital communication between government organizations, problems and solutions during the digital communication between government organizations and citizens, and challenges and opportunities in digital communication between government organizations and the private sector.
The “Government
Management” journal will publish the speeches of the “Long-term Development
Policy, Digital Transition-2022” forum in its special edition.