“The Sales Girl” Wins Honorary Golden Cyclo

Art & Culture
2023-03-10 16:52:37

Ulaanbaatar, March 10, 2023 /MONTSAME/. “The Sales Girl” feature film by director Janchiv Sengedorj won the Premier Award at the 29th Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinemas (VIFFAC) held from February 28 to March 7, 2023. 

The VIFFAC, the biggest film festival in Europe, has been held annually with the purpose of selecting the best Asian films since 1995. This year, 85 films from 31 countries, including Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Singapore, Vietnam, and Kyrgyzstan competed in the festival. 

During the seven days of the festival, over 90 films were displayed for more than 30 thousand spectators, and the “Cyclo d'Or” (Honorary Golden Cyclo) award, which is the premier award of 12 awards of the festival, was presented to “The Sales Girl” feature film from Mongolia. 

The TV channel France3 reported that the international judges had selected the film “The Sales Girl” with one accord for the Cyclo d'Or among the films from nine countries, including China, Vietnam, and Azerbaijan, which had been selected for the final stage of the festival. 

J. Sengedorj, director of the film, said "It is my honor to receive this award and I recognize this achievement as my contribution to the development of Mongolian Film Industry."  

“The Sales Girl” feature film will be premiered in Japan on April 28. 

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