"Strengthening Representative Bodies in Mongolia” Project Completed

2023-12-14 14:42:54

Ulaanbaatar, December 14, 2023 /MONTSAME/. Within the framework of its goal to support democratic governance, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), jointly with the Office of the President, Parliament Secretariat, and Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia has successfully completed the implementation of a “Strengthening Representative Bodies in Mongolia” project. A “Decentralization Policy Support” project, which had a goal to support the optimal allocation of functions among state organizations, and was likewise implemented with SDC assistance, has been also completed.

“Strengthening Representative Bodies in Mongolia” project implemented with SDC support, consisted of three sub-projects, and had an overall goal of fostering a state administration which is competent, democratic, accountable to citizens and delivers sustainable public services responding to citizens’ needs. 

Namely, the project has consisted of the following sub-projects, including “Consolidating Parliamentary Democracy in Mongolia” sub-project implemented by SDC in cooperation with the Parliament Secretariat, “Strengthening Capacity of the Office of the President” sub-project implemented in cooperation with the Office of the President, and “Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Local Authorities” sub-project implemented in cooperation with the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia. 

“Consolidating Parliamentary Democracy in Mongolia” sub-project launched in 2021 has aimed to provide support in strengthening oversight capacity of the Parliament of Mongolia with assistance and advice from the Swiss Parliamentary Secretariat. To reach this goal, in the course of around two years, initiatives, achieving many positive results. For example, the Parliament of Mongolia has, for the first time, conducted a self-assessment on human rights and gender-sensitivity with support of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and SDC. Another notable result is the project’s support in the elaboration and parliamentary reading of the draft Law on Parliamentary Oversight. The ratification of this law in 2021 has enabled the Parliament to hold open hearings based on examination of evidence which have been continuing for the last two years. 

”Strengthening Capacity of the Office of the President” sub-project which began in 2022 had a goal of supporting the implementation of the President’s Action Plan and of effective, fast and transparent exercise of the President’s functions stipulated in the Constitution of Mongolia. In the last 1.5 years, the sub-project has implemented around 100 initiatives and activities, delivering many positive results. For example, the sub-project has supported conduct of a baseline study for revision of the Law on Political Parties, thus making a valuable contribution to its subsequent ratification, which has been stalled for the last 20 years. The President of Mongolia is devoting a particular attention to environmental issues, sustainable development as well as climate change and improvement of climate finance. In this regard, the sub-project has supported the organization of several events held under auspices of the President of Mongolia, including “Green Finance - Regional Forum 2022" and “Green Finance - International Forum" aimed at increasing sustainable financing and expansion of international cooperation as well the organization of a series of policy discussions aimed at establishing a climate finance system and promoting a practical application of policy instruments designed to combat climate change. These initiatives serve as an important precursor for comprehensively defining Mongolia’s green development policy, improving related policy and legal environment, ensuring coordination and cooperation among stakeholders and creating a green business environment. 

”Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Local Authorities” sub-project launched in 2021 had a goal of providing policy support for revising and operationalizing laws on local governance and local authorities for improved delivery of public services and rangeland management. Thus, in 2021-2023, the sub-project carried out a range of activities in the Capital City, 21 aimags and 330 soums to support implementation of the Law on Livestock Tax. As a result, a total of MNT 15.3 billion in livestock tax was channeled into the Local Development Fund in the first year of the implementation of the law in 2021 and another MNT 19.9 billion in the following year.  

Another important aim of the sub-project was to support implementation of the Law on Territorial and Administrative Units and Their Governance ratified in 2020. Nationwide in Mongolia, 60 percent of over 8000 citizens’ representatives of local assemblies are re-elected every four years through local elections. The sub-project has organized all-rounded trainings and research aimed at strengthening capacity of citizens’ representatives in better representing interests of citizens, reflecting citizens’ inputs in local development plans, approving corresponding budgets, overseeing Governor’s performance, etc.  

With SDC support, the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia implemented the “Decentralization Policy Support” Project in two phases in 2015-2023. The project had a goal of supporting the Government of Mongolia in decentralizing power, including by improving legal environment for optimal allocation of functions among state organizations and assisting in the elaboration and adoption of related legislation. To reach this goal, the project has actively and effectively collaborated with all state institutions, including the Parliament, Government, ministries, agencies as well as local government organizations of all levels. 

The project has extensively contributed to legal reforms aimed at enhancing governance and empowering local authorities by, among others, supporting revision and ratification of the Law on Administrative and Territorial Units and Their Governance and related regulations, the Law on Legal Status of the Capital City Ulaanbaatar and Law on Legal Status of Towns and Villages. As part of supporting this reform agenda, the project has also organized trainings to strengthen capacity of local authorities in aimags and soums. 

Within the framework of the project, in 2016, the Government of Mongolia approved a State Policy on Decentralization followed by an approval in 2018 of the main instrument for decentralization, a Methodology for Reallocation of Functions of State Organizations, both of which have been since implemented nationwide. The project has also substantially contributed to institutionalizing the functional review of state organizations and functional reallocation, thus ensuring that these main initiatives of the project are sustained by the Government in the future.  

“I would like to express our appreciation to colleagues at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for your commitment to supporting our cooperation and making it come true. “Human rights is a complex concept, encompassing the notions of human rights being universal, inseparable, indivisible, and interrelated. This concept is premised on principles of equality and non-discrimination. Gender equality is thus one of the core human rights issues. Although the Parliament of Mongolia has made considerable efforts to promote human rights and gender equality, becoming the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to ratify the Law on Legal Status of Human Rights Defenders and thus, to establish a system for their legal protection, there is still more to be achieved,” said D. Enkhbat, Secretary General of the State Great Khural of Mongolia.     

“Strengthening Capacity of the Office of the President” project has provided support for carrying out baselines studies for elaboration of four draft laws. Of these laws, the Law on Political Parties has been ratified. And though the project is coming to an end, its impact on the lives of Mongolian citizens will continue well into the future,” said B. Enkh-Amgalan, Deputy Head of the Office of the President. 

“The afore-mentioned legal reforms that were launched as part of the projects implemented at the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government will, of course, continue. It will take time for these initiatives to be continued in a systematic way. We are glad that to date, many good results have been achieved and foundation for many important initiatives have been laid with the support of these projects,” said U. Byambasuren, Deputy Head of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government.  

 “We wish that the successes and achievements of our joint efforts to empower local governments for improving the delivery of public services to citizens and strengthening parliamentary democracy are sustained and continue to benefit Mongolia for the long run. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to our partners at the Office of the President, Parliament Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia, and local governments as well as scholars, researchers, and project teams for their productive and fruitful cooperation,” said Stephanie Burry, Head of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Mongolia.