"Mongol Ger" Exhibition at Sukhbaatar Square

2024-05-06 15:59:03

Ulaanbaatar, May 6, 2024 /MONTSAME/. At the initiative of the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia and the Government's implementing agency, the Department of Culture and Arts, the "Mongol GerExhibition is being held at Sukhbaatar Square on May 4-12, 2024.

This exhibition offers comprehensive information to both local and foreign tourists about nature, cultural heritage, and traditions.

A total of 25 gers have been built in Sukhbaatar Square, each offering special events and interesting programs. For instance, visitors can explore the origin, classification, and characteristics of Mongolian gers, as well as the methods of their building and dismantling, along with nomadic customs associated with migration. Additionally, visitors can indulge in the "Traditional Gamesprogram, which features traditional Mongolian knucklebone and puzzle games, demonstrations of yarn-twisting (the practice of spinning rope), exhibitions of traditional Mongolian costumes and ornaments, and a board game themed around the Mongolian Empire.

Additionally, there will be small scientific conferences on topics including “Mongolian Ger Tradition and Innovation” and “Issues of Sustainable Tradition among Mongolian Ger Wood Builders."

The "Mongol GerExhibition, which will be open to the public for nine days, was inaugurated at Sukhbaatar Square. Mongolian Gers have been set up at Sukhbaatar Square to introduce the uniqueness, history, and usage of the Mongolian ger, attracting the interest of citizens and tourists and promoting the essence of Mongolian culture.

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