Preparatory Committee for the Third UN Conference on LLDCs Convenes

2024-06-05 16:44:41

Ulaanbaatar, June 5, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The second session of the Preparatory Committee for the third UN Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries took place on June 3, 2024, in New York.


V. Enkhbold, the Permanent Representative of Mongolia to the United Nations, and A. Marshik, the Permanent Representative of the Federal State of Austria to the United Nations, chaired the meeting. Speakers of the session included Secretary-General Rabab Fatima, the United Nations High Representative for Least Developed, Landlocked Developing, and Small Island Countries, and representatives from 29 landlocked and transit countries.


During the general discussion of the meeting, the Permanent Representative of Mongolia highlighted two critical issues reflected in the LDC's action program for the next ten years, which were initiated by Mongolia. Mr. Enkhbold noted that LDC's action program called for strengthening the capacity of the International Research Center of LDC for developing policy strategies and conducting research as priorities and the issue of improving the air connectivity of LLDCs was included in the final document.


At the meeting, the documents related to the arrangement and organization of the Third UN Conference were approved, as well as the draft of the UN's action program on the issue of LLDCs for the next ten years was approved by the member states and decided to transfer the draft to the conference to be held in Gaborone, Botswana at the end of 2024.

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