Mongolia Hosts “Ulaanbaatar Dialogue” for Ninth Time with Participation of Scholars from over 30 Countries

2024-06-10 13:43:31

Ulaanbaatar, June 10, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia jointly with the Institute for Strategical Studies of Mongolia successfully organized “Ulaanbaatar Dialogue”, the Ninth international Conference on Northeast Asian Security, on June 6-7, 2024 in Ulaanbaatar city.

The conference welcomed more than 230 national and foreign scholars from over 30  countries and international organizations. 

At the  Ninth International Conference, five sub-meetings took place on “Security challenges and opportunities in Northeast Asia”, “Multilateral cooperation in Northeast Asia”, “Climate change, security challenges in Northeast Asia”, “Secure and affordable energy transition in Northeast Asia”, “Developing the flexible critical mining sustainable network that urgently needed in Energy transition”. Also, the Track 1, round table meeting for the government officials was held.

High-level officials participated in the “Ulaanbaatar Dialogue” included the Secretary General of the Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic Anne-Marie DescôtesUndersecretary of State and Political Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Mr. Andžejs Viļumsons,  Assistant Secretary for Asia and the Pacific of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland Heinrich Schellenberg, Director for Korea and Mongolia of the U.S. National Security Council Mr. Andrew Arveseth. In addition, representatives from Latvia, Portugal, and New Zealand participated for the first time.

Since 1980, Mongolia consistently pursued establishing the East North Asian talks mechanism, and in 2013 initiated the “Ulaanbaatar Dialogue on Northeast Asia Security”. The Northeast Asian Security International Conference started to be organized regularly in 2014. Since 2017, the conference has been organized at the Track 1.5 channels level, for the officials, scientists, and scholars.