Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai Reappointed as Prime Minister of Mongolia

2024-07-08 10:30:58

Ulaanbaatar, July 8, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The plenary session of the newly formed expanded State Great Khural convened on July 5 and appointed Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai as the Prime Minister of Mongolia by 100 percent votes.


A resolution was approved in connection with the appointment and the resolution came into force from the date of approval.

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene gave a speech, noting in the beginning that,


"President of Mongolia!

Chairman of the Great Khural of Mongolia, dear members!

Dear Mongolians!

First of all, I would like to thank you, a citizen of democratic Mongolia, for having exercised your rights, fulfilled your duties, and actively participated in the elections!

With this ninth parliamentary election since the transition to a democratic system, we Mongolians have left the territorially-based 76-member parliament as history, and are starting a new era of parliament with 126 representatives who are the voice of many parties, social groups, and sectors. Our people welcomed the election morning by likening it to the days after the democratic change in 1990.


This parliament is made up of representatives of multi-parties, and for the first time, 32 women members were elected, which is 25 percent of the total number of members, surpassing the average indicator in the Asian continent.

Also, the new parliament is composed of the largest number of engineers, scientists, university professors, experts, doctors, teachers, people with developmental challenges, representatives of Mongolians living abroad, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mongolian Trade Unions, mass media and civil society organizations. 81 new members were elected to this parliament, which is 64 percent of the total number of members. Therefore, this is the victory of the people and the beginning of a new 30 years.”


Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene highlighted that the people of Mongolia have made this choice as they want to bring the democratic revolution to their original values ​​and destroy the system of corruption completely.


Prime Minister congratulated and wished success to the MPs- the representatives of the people, who have taken the oath and started exercising their powers and duties, as well as to newly- elected Chairman of the State Great Khural Amarbayasgalan Dashzegve."

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