Children Constitute 37.1 Percent of Mongolia's Total Population
Ulaanbaatar, November 20, 2024 /MONTSAME/. A recent Social Indicator Sample Survey-2023, jointly conducted by the National Statistics Office of Mongolia and UNICEF, revealed that children comprise 37.1 percent of Mongolia's total population. The survey shows notable disparities between urban and rural areas in terms of children's health, education, and development opportunities.
“One in three children in rural areas cannot access preschool education. Children’s immunization rates and healthcare services vary highly between urban and rural areas. While immunization rates are high in the central region and Ulaanbaatar city, the rates for children in Bayan-Ulgii aimag are low,” reported the Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Protection of Mongolia.
Therefore, to solve inequalities, create child-friendly environments in both urban and rural areas, improve budgeting and planning related to children, and increase investment in the social sector, the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia and UNICEF have co-organized a discussion on "Strengthening the Participation and Partnership of Local Organizations in Ensuring Children's Rights." Participants discussed the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the local level and how to work at the national level to reduce violations of children's rights.