Ulaanbaatar Railway to Transport 22 Million Tons of Foreign Trade Cargo in 2025
Ulaanbaatar, March 17, 2025 /MONTSAME/. On March 14, 2025, a Consultation Meeting on “Agreement on Cargo Volume between the Members of the Organization for Cooperation of Railways” was held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
At the meeting, participants reviewed the implementation of the cargo volume for foreign trade agreed upon for transportation via the fifth section of the Railway Cooperation Organization in 2024 and reached an agreement on the cargo volume for 2025. In 2024, the Ulaanbaatar Railway (UBTZ) had planned to transport 21.2 million tons of foreign trade cargo. In 2025, the amount of foreign trade cargo was increased to 22 million tons, an increase of one million tons compared to the previous year. This change signals a potential rise in Mongolia’s volume of exports, imports, and transit transportation by rail.
Notably, UBTZ will take all necessary measures to transport the planned cargo volume, cooperating with the railways of neighboring countries. Moreover, Director of Ulaanbaatar Railway Kh. Kherlen was awarded an Honorary Certificate in recognition of his contribution to strengthening the cooperation among the member countries of the Organization for Cooperation of Railways.