Size of health insurance deduction fixed

2016-01-05 14:39:57

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The cabinet meeting on Monday amended a size of health insurance deduction of a citizen. 

By the decision, four percent of his/her salary will be paid every month to the health insurance fund--one half by the worker, another part--by his/her employer.

In addition, a size of health insurance deduction of students of universities, institutes, colleges, vocational training centers and of children aged up to 18 years will be 1,920 Togrog per person, and 3,840 Togrog for the self-employed, herders, foreigners, people without state citizenships, people with no regular income except pension, people who need social welfare and support, parents with children aged up to two years, servicemen and prisoners.

The size of health insurance fund’s deduction for 2016 has been fixed according to the law on health insurance, law on 2016 budget for Health Insurance Fund (HIF), and trilateral resolution on minimum size of salary. By the decision, the HIF’s income is expected to be MNT 308.3 billion, which is higher MNT 57.6 billion or 22.9% against the 2015 budget.