Mongolian athlete won ten-day race in New York
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Mongolian runner A.Budjargal won the Sri Chinmoy Ten and Six Day Races, previously named Self-Transcendence Six and Ten-Day Races, the miltuday running events. He completed 739 miles or 1189.30 km of distance in ten days. He was followed by Igori Mudrik, who took second place with 713 miles.
The Twenty-Second Annual Sri Chinmoy Ten-Day Race and the Twentieth Annual Sri Chinmoy Six-Day Race were held between April 17 to 27 in New York, USA and over 80 runners from 24 countries participated in the international competition.
The Twenty-Second Annual Sri Chinmoy Ten-Day Race and the Twentieth Annual Sri Chinmoy Six-Day Race were held between April 17 to 27 in New York, USA and over 80 runners from 24 countries participated in the international competition.
From Mongolia, the best five athletes of ultramarathon, including Master of Athletics-titled A.Budjargal, who is also a mountaineer, attended.
In this extreme race, athletes come to test their endurance, skill with pacing, and ability to recover by running at special distance of 1.6 km under the conceivable weather condition with extreme temperature varied between 0-15C all day and night.
In this regard, the competition requires a great deal of physical and psychological training from the athletes. Mongolian athlete A.Budjargal successfully participated in this event for the first time in 2015 and was placed in tenth place.