State Secretary of Foreign Ministry meets Austrian Ambassador

2017-06-13 16:40:59
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ State Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs D.Davaasuren met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria to Mongolia Irene Giner-Reichl in connection with her completion of her diplomatic service.

The parties talked about bilateral cooperation, projects to be implemented with soft loan of EUR40 million from Austria within Intergovernmental agreement between Mongolia and Austria on financial cooperation.

Ambassador was awarded with ‘Friendship’ medal by the Presidential decree for her contribution to the development of the relations and cooperation of the two countries and State Secretary D.Davaasuren handed over the order during the meeting. Mr D.Davaasuren noted that it is also a proof that Mongolia gives great significance to the relationship with Austria.

‘Days of Vienna’ cultural event and business forum are being held in Ulaanbaatar from 12 to 14 June with participation of Austrian artists and businessmen. 