Ballet artists to mark International Dance Day for children with autism
Art & Culture
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The State Theatre of Opera and Ballet will organize a series of events to mark the International dance day which is celebrated on April 29.
The events will be co-organized by the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet and 'Together Agaist Autism' NGO with an aim to inspire children with autism and their parents, under the theme ‘Together for children with autism’.
In relation, artists of the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet intend to raise public awareness of autism through the plays such as Chopeniana by Frédéric François Chopin and Paquita by Ludwig Minkus to be performed for their 25th anniversaries on Mongolia stage on April 28. On the International Dance Day or April 29, the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet will wrap up the celebration with its Gala concert ‘Ballet Night’.
In addition, the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet and 'Together Against Autism' NGO are giving educational toys to children with autism.
The UNESCO's International Theatre Institute declared April 29 as International Dance Day in 1982. This day in 1727, French dancer and balletmasterJean-Georges Noverre was born, He is generally considered as the creator of ballet d'action and a significant figure who brought big changes in dance art. It is believed that his ballets has created new style through heroic character and tragedy.
The events will be co-organized by the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet and 'Together Agaist Autism' NGO with an aim to inspire children with autism and their parents, under the theme ‘Together for children with autism’.
In relation, artists of the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet intend to raise public awareness of autism through the plays such as Chopeniana by Frédéric François Chopin and Paquita by Ludwig Minkus to be performed for their 25th anniversaries on Mongolia stage on April 28. On the International Dance Day or April 29, the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet will wrap up the celebration with its Gala concert ‘Ballet Night’.
In addition, the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet and 'Together Against Autism' NGO are giving educational toys to children with autism.
The UNESCO's International Theatre Institute declared April 29 as International Dance Day in 1982. This day in 1727, French dancer and balletmasterJean-Georges Noverre was born, He is generally considered as the creator of ballet d'action and a significant figure who brought big changes in dance art. It is believed that his ballets has created new style through heroic character and tragedy.