Stock Exchange renews the TOP-20 index composition

2019-01-14 17:23:48

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The TOP-20 index composition for the year 2019 has been renewed in accordance with the Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE) “Regulation on Securities Index Calculation”.

Based on the performance of the stock in 2018, 11 securities remained in the index, while “Bayangol Hotel”, “Shivee Ovoo”, “Arig Gal”, “Mongolia Telecommunications”, “Sharyn Gol”, “Khukh Gan”, “Materialimpex”, and “State Department Store” were removed from the index. The new additions to the index include “Hai Bi Oil”, “Jenco Tour Bureau”, “Jinst Uvs”, “iTools”, “Lendmn NBFI”, “Mongol Basalt”, “Khuvsgul Altan Duulga”, “Mandal Insurance” and “Ard Insurance”. 

The TOP-20 index calculation with the renewed composition shall start from 15th January 2019.

 Source: Mongolian Stock Exchange