Retail price of gasoline cut by 100 tugrug

2019-01-15 16:34:52

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Cabinet Secretariat of Government of Mongolia reported Monday that retail prices of AI-80AI-92 gasoline and diesel fuel would be lowered by 100 tugrug per liter starting from January 15.


In accordance with the obligation given by the Cabinet Secretariat and the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry, the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority has reached an agreement with petroleum product importing companies on lowering the retail gasoline price.


On January 14, Chief Cabinet Secretariat G.Zandanshatar met Deputy Chair in charge of crude oil of the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority Ts.Erdenebayar, where he was informed about timely issues.


As results of several meetings with the importers, the retail gasoline price has been cut in stages since December 2018.  Specifically, most commonly used gasoline and fuel prices have been lowered by 250 tugrug per liter so far.