Ulaanbaatar Dialogue taking place
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Sixth International Conference of the ‘Ulaanbaatar
Dialogue on Northeast Asian Security’, a major regional conference that has a
key role in the region’s peace and security, is taking place on its last day.
The conference is being attended by around 200 delegates
comprising government officials and scholars from 14 states including Russia,
China, Japan, and Canada. Moreover, representatives of the United
Nations, European Union and International Committee of the Red Cross are
conferring with the participants.
The event is being held in two plenary sessions on ‘The Northeast Asian Security Environment: Opportunities and Challenges’ and ‘Cooperation and Competition Dynamics in Northeast Asia’ and three parallel sessions on ‘Promoting Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia’, ‘Humanitarian Challenges in Emergency Situations’, and ‘Inclusion of Youth, Peace and Security: Perspectives for Dialogue in Northeast Asia’. One of the main topics is the Mongolian President’s initiative of establishing an integrated power system in Northeast Asia as well as utilizing Mongolia’s abundant solar and wind power resources.
Foreign Minister D.Tsogtbaatar noted that the regional participants are touching upon the Northeast Asian security issues, in particular the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. He said, “The representatives from around the world are putting stress on the denuclearization issue. For this reason, this peace dialogue has to continue. Ulaanbaatar Dialogue’s main purpose lies in having the regional countries meet thus reach mutual understanding. Mongolia is well versed in features, decision-making mechanisms and diplomacy of both systems as it once had a communist system, and now is a democratic country with a market economy. That being so, we will endeavor to become the regional countries’ bridge of peace. We have been and will work for this”