Mongolian draught players earn International Grandmaster title

2019-10-01 13:58:26

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. According to the seasonal rating of World Draughts Federation (FMJD) which released on 1st of October, 2019, Asian Draught Champions B.Misheel and B.Munkhjin have secured the FMJD International Grandmaster title.

Moreover, N.Lhagvadorj, B.Selenge and U.Bayarjargal have earned FMJD International Master respectively. B.Misheel qualified the title FMJD International Master in men’s category during his participation to “US Open 2019” while S.Munkh-Orgil and G.Kherlenmurun qualified the title FMJD International Master from “Hingqui Cup” in men’s category. 

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