SEC: MNT 150,000 fine for not wearing face masks
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. At today’s press briefing by the State Emergency Commission (SEC), Colonel B.Uuganbayar, Deputy Chief of the National Emergency Management said that “Let’s wear face masks” public campaign is running across the nation to promote the use of protective face masks in prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 and residents could be considered to intentionally harm other people's health if caught not wearing face masks in public places and fined MNT 150,000 for under the Law on Infringement.
Even though it was not compulsory, wearing protective face masks in public has been commonplace since Mongolia imposed partial quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic back in late January. However, the SEC sees that the public calmed down too soon and some people started walking outside without one.
Despite the price rises, single use surgical masks or reusable cotton face masks are not that difficult to buy in Mongolia as they are just about sold in every pharmacy, retail store and supermarket.
Moreover, heads of each unit at khoroo of Ulaanbaatar city are granted with the duty of public police in order to maintain public order and safety and to enhance control on public compliance with mandatory face mask order.