Strict-lockdown to be lifted in three days in Ulaanbaatar and some aimags

2020-12-09 14:08:50

At today's extended meeting of the Cabinet and the State Emergency Committee, a resolution was approved to extend the period of strict-lockdown by three days in the capital city and Arkhangai and Selenge aimags until 06.00 on December 14.

Based on the conclusions of international organizations, suggestions and recommendations of professional organizations and experts’ councils, the SEC believes that the strict quarantine should be gradually lifted in order to overcome the economic and financial difficulties to citizens and businesses. To do it, it was proposed to extend the lockdown in the capital city, Arkhangai and Selenge aimags, by three days, including weekends. Business entities, which have not worked for many days during this period, should carry out disinfection work.

As for Battsengel soum of Arkhangai aimag, Altanbulag and Sukhbaatar soums of Selenge aimag, where the COVID-19 infections were registered, the strict lockdown will be continued until December 21.

At the meeting, the Government gave the following instructions to the SEC.

-First, re-examine health sector capacity and resource research, with particular attention to human resources,   

-Second, increase PCR testing capacity to 100,000 per day, make reserves of laboratory reagent for 2-3 months,

- Third,  intensify monitoring on the performance of decisions made by emergency commissions of the state, the capital city and of provinces, ministries and administrative organizations,

-Four, when implementing government decisions at the primary and secondary levels, avoid from imprecise activities and irritating citizens,

-Five,  tighten controls at the National Center for Communicable Diseases, border checkpoints and customs services,

-Six, provide citizens promptly with accurate information on the pandemic, increase the frequency of warning information delivery,

-Seven, improve the accountability and discipline of civil servants at all levels.
