People aged above 60 being vaccinated from today
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Ministry of Health, National
Gerontology Center, Capital City Health Department, WHO Representative Office
in Mongolia, and Mongolian Red Cross Society are collaborating to involve rural
citizens, who are stranded in the capital city, and elderly people aged 60
years and older with chronic diseases and who are in home care in the vaccination
against COVID-19.
Today, a permanent vaccination site has been opened in each
district to get the target group of citizens inoculated. Specifically,
vaccination is being conducted at School No. 113 in Bayanzurkh district, School
No. 20 in Bayangol district, Health Center of Baganuur district, ‘Avragch’
Sports Committee of Chingeltei district, School No. 9 in Songinokhairkhan
district, School No. 11 in Sukhbaatar district, Mongolian-Korean Polytechnic
College in Khan-Uul district and Health Centers of Bagakhangai and Nalaikh
In addition, volunteers of the Mongolian Red Cross Society are
working to carry the elders to the vaccination sites by three buses in each