Joint project in agriculture sector to be implemented with UNFAO
SocietyUlaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. The Chairman of the National
Development Agency (NDA) Batjargal Khandjav has signed an agreement to
implement a joint project to expand and intensify cooperation in the
development of Mongolia’s food and agriculture sector with the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO) Representative Vinod
Ahuja on June 2, 2021.
The goal of the project is to support the value chain of
food and agriculture, improve the framework for sustainable agriculture and
food security, reduce poverty and inequality, and create jobs. The project will
help ensure economic growth, promote sustainable development, improve the
agricultural system that connects herders, farmers and consumers, and expand
cooperation among all stakeholders.
In recent years, Mongolia's food supply has increased, with
some food products being sourced from domestic crops, and the food system has
improved with the introduction of an organic food registry and improved hygiene
and quality control.
However, the supply of essential food items for the
population depends on imports. The predominance of meat and bakery products in
Mongolian food, and the lack of fruits and vegetables, which are the main
sources of minerals and vitamins, have led to a high prevalence of
micronutrient deficiencies, especially among children and women. As a result,
overweight, obesity and cancer have increased significantly in the population.
Therefore, the parties are confident that the implementation
of this project will reduce the losses of the agricultural value chain, bring
the production technology, equipment and investment level to the current
international level, and bring a new era of environmentally friendly
development to the agricultural sector.
Source: National Development Agency of Mongolia