Voting runs with 23.46 percent voter turnout
VideoPolling stations opened today at 7 AM, and
voting is underway across the country.
According to the General Election Commission,
there are a total of 2,151,329 eligible voters registered to vote for the 2021 presidential
election, with 110,773 people marked as absent or ineligible. Polls in the
election are open until 10 PM today, and a 100 percent manual count will be
conducted in all 2,087 polling stations. 43 observers from foreign and
international organizations and 40 journalists from media outlets have
registered to observe the election.
The 25,619 voters who were unable to visit the
polling station by themselves cast their vote through sealed mobile ballot
boxes yesterday, and the ballot papers have been put into voting machines as
the polls opened.
As for Mongolian nationals residing in foreign
countries, they cast their vote on May 30-31 at 44 diplomatic missions of
Mongolia in 30 countries around the world. A total of 7,394 were registered in
advance to vote for the election, and 76 percent of them or 5,618 people cast
their votes.
The General Election Commission reports that
the voter turnout was 23.46 percent on the national level as of 2:30 PM. More specifically,
of the total voters on the national electoral register, 474,888 have cast their
vote in the first 6 hours of the 2021 presidential election.
The 2021 Presidential Election of Mongolia is being organized within the
framework of the Government's temporary regulation on prevention of COVID-19.