Consultative Meeting held between Mongolian and Argentina Foreign Ministries

2021-12-10 17:26:22

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. The Third Consultative Meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Argentina was held in online format on December 09. The meeting was headed by Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs N.Ankhbayar and Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Claudio Javier Rosenzweig.

During the meeting, the sides expressed their willingness to strengthen friendly relations between Mongolia and Argentina, and agreed to enrich cooperation with economic content, expanding the cooperation in the fields of agriculture, tourism, information technology, education, culture, and sports. The parties also agreed to give support in establishing direct contacts between the two countries’ Chambers of Commerce and sports federations.

The two sides mutually affirmed their commitment to strengthening cooperation within the framework of the international and regional organizations, including the United Nations, Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC).

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