UNDP’s 2022 civil society engagement programme launched

2022-06-15 16:16:44

Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. UNDP’s 2022 civil society engagement programme was launched on June 13. The launch was jointly organized by the EU-funded ‘Business and Human Rights’, ‘SDG-aligned Budgeting to Transform of Employment in Mongolia’ projects and the ‘Environmental Governance for Sustainable Natural Resource Management’ project funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The event was opened by the EU delegation in Mongolia and an input on results-based reporting was provided by UNDP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

UNDP works with governments, civil society and business organizations to ensure equal and meaningful participation of all stakeholders towards the achievement of the SDGS.

This year, 14 NGOs are selected and awarded grants under the above-mentioned three projects and will be working to contribute to participatory environmental protection and budget analysis, business and human rights.


Source: UNDP Mongolia