Today is National Liberation and Independence Day in Mongolia
/MONTSAME/. The 111th jubilee of the Victory of the National Liberation Movement
and the Restoration of Independence of Mongolia is being celebrated today, December
29, as a public holiday.
December 29, 1911, Mongolia restored its independence after about 200 years of
Manchu rule with a national movement known as the 1911 Revolution. The
Mongolian people enthroned the VIII Bogd Jebtsundamba Khutuktu as the
Theocratic Monarch and government, headed by Bogd Jebtsundamba Khutuktu and
consisting of five ministries (internal affairs, foreign affairs, military
affairs, finance, and judicial affairs), was established on this day.
laid the foundation for the revival of Mongolia, the 1911 Revolution is an
event worthy of utmost significance in the history of modern Mongolia and a
proud historic moment to be remembered and cherished by future generations.
The liberation of Mongolia in 1911 is considered to have necessitated the 1921
People’s Revolution, by fulfilling Mongolia’s long struggle to restore national
Day of National Liberation Movement and Independence has been celebrated since
2011 as a public holiday in accordance with the Law on Public Holidays and