Meeting Held with Deputy Chairman of Russian Duma

2023-01-19 15:28:55

Ulaanbaatar, Jan 19 /MONTSAME/. On January 19, Chairman of the State Great Khural of Mongolia G. Zandanshatar received Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexey Vasilyevich Gordeyev within the framework of the latter’s ongoing working visit to Mongolia.

While emphasizing that interparliamentary cooperation is one of the most important components of bilateral relations, the two sides expressed that they attach utmost importance to the cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries.

Deputy Chairman Alexey Vasilyevich Gordeyev underlined the significance of establishing an interparliamentary cooperation mechanism in further consolidating the cooperation between the two sides.

The total trade turnover between Mongolia and Russia reached a record-high USD 2.7 billion. However, Mongolia’s import account for the majority proportion of the trade. In this regard, Chairman of the State Great Khural G. Zandanshatar put forth a request to the Deputy Chairman to pay special attention to eliminating the trade barriers that Mongolia faces in exporting its goods to Russia.

In addition, Deputy Chairman Alexey Vasilyevich Gordeyev expressed willingness to cooperate with Mongolia in the major infrastructure, railroad, and energy projects.

The meeting also touched on the issues of Mongolia-Russia relations and cooperation and interparliamentary cooperation.

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