Integrated Platform to Encourage Whistleblowing

2023-03-27 16:24:37

Ulaanbaatar, March 27, 2023 /MONTSAME/. The Government of Mongolia declared 2023 the “Year to Combat Corruption." Accordingly, the Government is striving to eradicate corruption through its five “W” Operations.

In connection with the “Whistleblowing” Operation, the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications has launched a website Today, the Minister of Digital Development and Communications N. Uchral briefed the press on this integrated platform. 

“Currently, license holders’ information has been made public on this platform. The platform will bring numerous advantages for stakeholders. 

1. For citizens, it will allow citizens to oversight Government’s activities;

2. For the press, they will be able to rely on more credible sources;  

3. For the non-government organizations, they will be provided with reliable information;

4. For businesses, it will foster fair competition;

5. For the Government, it will help improve its transparency.  

Hence, we are making the hidden information publicly open to encourage whistleblowing for public interests”, the Minster informed. 

In general, citizens and the press have the right to request information from data collectors and all information on this platform are sourced from their relevant data collectors.

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