Foreign Minister Battsetseg Extends Congratulations on DPRK's 75th Founding Anniversary

2023-09-13 10:47:22

Ulaanbaatar, September 12, 2023 /MONTSAME/. On September 8, 2023, Foreign Minister of Mongolia Battsetseg Batmunkh attended a celebratory event hosted by the Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Mongolia, commemorating the 75th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. During the Event, the Foreign Minister extended her congratulations and best wishes. 

Foreign Minister Battsetseg emphasized that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as well as the 35th anniversary of the visit of North Korean Leader Kim Il Sung to Mongolia. She also expressed Mongolia's commitment to steadily develop further the traditional friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries. 

Member of the State Great Khural and Chairman of the Mongolia-North Korea Friendship Group in the State Great Khural P. Anujin, Foreign Policy Advisor to the President of Mongolia E. Odbayar, Education, Science, and Technology Policy Advisor to the President of Mongolia Ch. Lodoiravsal, political and social figures, diplomats, and representatives of friendship associations and non-governmental organizations were present at the celebratory Event. 

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