Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Receives a Delegation Led by the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Mongolia
SocietyUlaanbaatar, November 13, 2023 /MONTSAME/. On November 10, 2023, Kh. Nyambaatar, Governor of the Capital
City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, received a delegation led by the Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Mongolia, Kim Jong-gu.
At the meeting the parties exchanged views on the master
plan for the development of Ulaanbaatar until 2040, the feasibility study and
design of the metro.
The Mayor Nyambaatar expressed his gratitude to the Ambassador Kim Jong-gu and said: “The master plan for the development of
Ulaanbaatar until 2040 is currently being finalized and prepared for submission
to the Parliament. The Mongolian government pursues a policy of
open international tenders for the elaboration of a feasibility study for the
construction of the metro and its engineering. In this context, the tender will
be announced in December. In this regard, we will be happy to study the
experience of South Korea and receive assistance.”
The Ambassador of
the Republic of Korea to Mongolia, Kim Jong-gu, congratulated Nyambaatar on his appointment as Mayor of
the capital city and assured that he is ready to cooperate with
Ulaanbaatar in all aspects in the future.
At the meeting the parties expressed interest in expanding and developing relations and cooperation not only between the two countries, but also between Ulaanbaatar and Seoul.