Mongolian Doctors Share Liver Transplant Expertise with Russian Doctors

2024-05-16 11:46:33

Ulaanbaatar, May 16, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Doctors from Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1, Russia, participated in a training program at the First Central Hospital of Mongolia (FCHM) from April 16 to May 14, 2024.

On May 14, 2024, a Ceremony was held at the First Central Hospital of Mongolia to award certificates to doctors who completed their studies in a joint program between the FCHM and Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Russian Federation. The medical delegation from Krasnoyarsk included Pavel Sobolev, Muslim Tsokaev, Alexey Skuratov, and Ekaterina Potylitsina.

Russian doctors have acquired experience from Mongolian medical professionals in liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery.

During the Certificate Handover Ceremony, Doctor of Medicine B. Khishigjargal, General Director of the First Central Hospital of Mongolia, said, “We used to go abroad to study, but now we are happy to start teaching foreign medical professionals. Last year, we organized an international conference on organ transplantation. According to the statistics of that time, our success in organ transplantation was higher than that of developed countries. It may have influenced foreign medical professionals to study here. I am confident that our cooperation will continue to grow.” and awarded certificates to the four doctors who participated in the training.

The doctors who participated in the training expressed their gratitude for having learned a lot during the month and extended an invitation to visit Krasnoyarsk Hospital.

This international training marks the first time for the First Central Hospital of Mongolia to train foreign medical specialists within its own hospital as part of international cooperation. In the future, many medical specialists from foreign countries will be trained and will share their experiences in Mongolia. Additionally, the Republic of Buryatia has submitted a request to train medical specialists in Mongolia, and the training will be organized soon.

The FCHM began its organ transplantation program in 2011. Since 2014, doctors of the hospital have been independently performing these procedures. As of today, over 260 patients have received organ transplants at the Hospital.