Regional Horse Racing to be Merged with Aimags’ Naadam Festivals
Ulaanbaatar, May 30, 2024 /MONTSAME/. During its regular session, the Cabinet made a decision to schedule some aimags’ Naadam celebrations. Bulgan aimag’s Naadam will be held on July 7-8, Gobisumber and Bayankhongor aimags’ Naadam on July 27-28, and Orkhon aimag’s and Erdenet City’s Naadam will be celebrated on August 1-2 along with the “Ilgeeltiin Ezed-50” anniversary of the "Erdenet Mining Corporation" SOE.
Also, the regional horse racing of 2024 will be merged with the Naadam
celebrations of some aimags. The Governors of Gobisumber aimag, Bayannkhongor, Umnogobi,
and Orkhon aimags were tasked to implement this decision.