Ulaanbaatar to Bloom with Over 1.5 Million Flowers

2024-06-04 16:28:16

Ulaanbaatar, June 4, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Over 1.5 million flowers of 15 varieties are planned to be planted across 99 locations in nine districts of Ulaanbaatar City this summer. Today, over 150 thousand flowers have already been planted, signifying that 30 percent of the goal has been accomplished.

Head of the Department of Urban Development and Gardening of the Governor’s Office of Ulaanbaatar S. Erdenesaikhan said, "Last year, we planted approximately 1.2 million flowers in the capital city. This year, we plan to plant 1.5 million flowers by June 10th. We collaborate with 25 businesses and organizations for the maintenance of urban green spaces in the capital and continuously working to increase green spaces in Ulaanbaatar. The Governor’s Office of Ulaanbaatar is in charge of flower planting."