Two Mongolian Companies Obtain Halal Certificates

2024-08-13 15:36:40

Ulaanbaatar, August 13, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Under the Mongolian Government's policy to support export and increase the export of Mongolian meat products to Kuwait and beyond to the Gulf countries, and in alignment with the "Food Revolution" National Campaign initiated by the President of Mongolia, the Mongolian Agency for Standard Metrology and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry are taking part in an Export Promotion Project funded by the World Bank's International Development Association and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). This project aims at increasing the export of Mongolian meat products to Kuwait and the Gulf countries.

Within the framework of this project, the Mongolian Agency for Standard Metrology received technical assistance to enhance its capacity as the Mongolian conformity assessment body, and the Agency was granted accreditation certificate No. 0089 for halal food product certification on December 20, 2023, valid for four years, fully meeting the requirements of the GCC Accreditation Center. This enables the Mongolian Agency for Standard Metrology to issue Halal certification, opening new meat export markets, removing technical trade barriers, and gaining market recognition in the Gulf countries of Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.

The Mongolian Agency for Standard Metrology issued its first certificates to national companies on August 12, 2024. The Agency assessed six companies that applied for Halal certification and granted the certificates to two companies, “Dornod Makh Market” LLC and “Trust Group” LLC, which met the standards, for two years.

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