Visas of all Categories Now Issued Electronically

2024-09-20 16:45:40

Ulaanbaatar, September 20, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Under the project implemented by the Asian Development Bank, a unified information system for foreign nationals has been developed, and the Immigration Agency of Mongolia has begun issuing invitation-based visas of all categories electronically.

Through the new system, visas of 54 categories are issued based on the inviter’s request. The inviting party is now enabled to submit visa applications for foreign nationals directly via an electronic portal The process requires inviters to pay the visa application fee in advance. Once the application is approved, the visa is issued electronically, sending the notification to the registered mail of the inviter. In cases where advance payment of the visa fee is not required, the visa can be received from the Embassy, Consulate, or border checkpoint. 

Since 2021, in line with the Policy on Developing Tourism implemented by the Government of Mongolia, the country has been issuing e-visas for four categories: tourist visas for up to 30 days (K2), visas for participants in sports or cultural and arts events as well as creating films and content (K4), visas for transit (K6), and work and holiday visas for nationals of Australia (K7). This was available for nationals of 99 countries.

To further simplify the visa issuance process and improve services for foreign nationals visiting Mongolia for official and personal purposes as well as short-term and long-term residence, the Government amended its Visa Issuance Regulation in 2024, expanding the categories of e-visas available. 

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