Mongolia Marks the Centennial of the Proclamation of the Mongolian People’s Republic and the Adoption of the First Constitution

2024-11-27 14:34:35

Ulaanbaatar, November 27, 2024 /MONTSAME/. On November 26, 2024, Mongolia commemorated the centennial of the Proclamation of the Mongolian People’s Republic and the Adoption of the First Constitution. 

On this day in 1924, Mongolia became one of the first Asian countries to abolish the monarchical regime and transition into the republican system, a progressive political form of government in the 20th century. With the adoption of its First Constitution, Mongolia replaced the monarchial government with the new system which allowed citizens to establish the government electively and introduced legal provisions based on democratic ideals. Specifically, the country abolished feudal serfdom, declared the natural resources to be the property of the people, and guaranteed the rights of citizens to vote and be elected. Moreover, it laid the foundation for modern parliamentary governance, legislating equal rights for women and men.

The First Constitution of Mongolia consists of six chapters and 50 articles. Article 1 of the First Constitution stipulates, “From now on, the State of Mongolia shall be known as the Mongolian People’s Republic, a fully sovereign and independent state, wherein the supreme power of the state shall be vested in the people, and all the state affairs shall be carried out and decided by the State Great Khural and the Government formed by the Khural, and the people shall reverently comply with and follow the arrangement.”