Mongolia Reinstates Mongol Script in Public Office
Ulaanbaatar, January 6, 2025 /MONTSAME/. Starting in 2025, public office activities in Mongolia will be conducted in dual scripts, Cyrillic and Mongol Script, in line with the Law on the Mongolian Language.
The Mongol Script is a valuable contribution of the Mongols to the intellectual development and written culture of humanity. It is our honorable duty as Mongolians to learn, study, safeguard, and pass on our traditional script.
The Law on the Mongolian Language states:
"7.2. State and local self-government bodies shall conduct their official affairs in dual scripts of Cyrillic and Mongol Script, based on appropriate preparations and the phased implementation of the National Script Program specified in Article 11.1.2 of this Law.
24.2. Section 7.2 of this Law will be in effect starting January 1, 2025."
Educational institutions will take the lead in revitalizing the mastery of the Mongol Script and ensuring the implementation of this Law.
The first survey on the knowledge of Mongol Script was conducted in
2021, covering approximately 150,000 government employees, and the following results were
In response to whether they were ready to use both
Cyrillic and Mongol Script in their official documents, 53.6 percent of civil
servants answered “Yes,” while the remaining 46.4 percent answered “No.” Compared
to the national average, 74.7 percent of civil servants in Gobi-Altai aimag
responded “ready,” marking the highest rate.
A survey of 200,000 civil servants found that 69,400, or 34.7 percent, learned the Mongol Script since their first grade.