Beaver population decreases due to willow cut

2017-02-08 13:04:04

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ A rare indigenous sub-species of the Eurasian beaver known as Castor fiber birulai inhabits the Bulgan and Khovd Rivers in Khovd aimag in the west and this rodent is listed as endangered in the Mongolian Red Book. However, the population of beaver has been decreasing over the last years due to environmental deterioration.

Some researchers including chairman of biology department of Khovd University M.Otgonbaatar, zoologist D.Ganchimeg, specialist of Ministry of Nature and Tourism A.Nansalmaa, environment guard of Bulgan soum Kh.Horjin, have made survey on beavers in Bulgan and Khovd rivers. They defined beaver population density and distribution based on their footprints, lodges and track ways.

Researchers have found out that cutting of willow for fuel and building enclosure for livestock in Erdeneburen, Jargalant, Myangad and Buyant soums of Khovd aimag had influenced the population fall. Moreover beavers tend to migrate to China through river flow. Therefore, a net should be built to prevent from beaver migration abroad, consider the specialists.

Local herders grated water basin of beaver habitat to protect the area for hay-making and the researchers detected that this measure had provided favorable environment to beavers. 128 beaver families are estimated to exist in Bulgan river and 52 families in Khovd river.