International Crane Festival takes place in Khentii aimag

Environment | Environment and Tourism
2018-07-02 17:38:49
Khentii /MONTSAME/ An annual International Crane Festival was organized for the fifth year in the valley of Khurkh of Binder soum, Khentii aimag on June 27.
This year’s festival was co-organized by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, the Citizen’s Representative Meeting of Khentii aimag, Department of Environment and Tourism of Khentii aimag, the Citizen’s Representative Meeting of Binder soum, Governor’s Office of Khentii aimag, Khan Khentii’s State Special Protected Area’s administration, Onon-Baljyn National Park’s administration, Center for wild animal protection, the World Wildlife Fund Mongolia, the Institute of General and Experimental Biology at the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, International Crane Foundation, Mongolian Khan Expedition, Geographic Expedition, Onon river basin administration, the Citizens’ Representative Meetings of Umnudelger, Batshireet, Bayan-Adraga and Dadal soums and Khukh village administration.
Annual Crane Festival is the main event of Khentii aimag which aims at developing tourism in Khentii aimag, providing information to domestic and foreign tourists, and protecting the mother earth.