Freshwater pipeline of Dambadarjaa sub-center to be commissioned in June
SocietyUlaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ In the frameworks of implementation of the
2020 Comprehensive plan and Development approach for 2030, the Ulaanbaatar
Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program was launched with financing
from the Asian Development Bank and the European Investment Bank.
Today, on April 12, Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh together with MPs and Governor
of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar S.Amarsaikhan got acquainted with the implementation progress of the project in Dambadarjaa sub-center.
Dambadarjaa sub-center will be an environmentally friendly and trade and service centered sub-center which serves to residents of the northern part of Ulaanbaatar, covering 62 ha of land.
International researchers recommend taking immediate action in regard with
soil contamination of the capital city. Thus, the very first project being
implemented in Dambadarjaa sub-center is construction of 11.4 km long
freshwater pipeline which will be completed in June.