Museums dedicated to the victory of Khalkhin Gol Battle
Khalkh Gol-80
‘Victory’ bellicose glory museum
In 1982, the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee Political Bureau issued a Resolution No. 159 on the establishment of victory museum and monuments complex in Khalkhgol soum of Dornod aimag.
Victory’ bellicose glory museum
was built by soldiers of construction unit of Military Force commanded by
Colonel O.Jamiyangatav amd field engineer S.Ganbaatar and put into operation on
August 18, 1984, coinciding with the 45th anniversary of the victory
of the Khalkhin Gol Battle.
The construction design of
bellicose glory museum was drawn by G.Tserendorj, an architect at State Central
Institute of Civil Engineering Design. External shape of the Museum building is
square, which holds up national architecture traditions, and it was made to
light from above, permanently adhering the principles of Mongolian traditional
house - yurt. The facade was decorated with the figure which expresses the
meaning of ‘Khalkhin Gol Battle ended with our victory’.
The museum is a three-storey building with a garden and outdoor exhibits. First floor of the museum is for household uses, the second floor of the museum has a bellicose glory hall for carrying out ceremonial activities, rooms of the museum guides, cafeteria, 104-seat movie hall, guesthouse and images of the battle charts. Third floor of the museum built in the shape of mausoleum is divided into four exhibition halls with over 1000 exhibits.
Unique historical items,
original photos, battle charts and schemes are among the museum exhibits. Machineries
and weaponry used by Mongolian and Soviet soldiers on the platforms are placed
next to the museum. Embossed copper images of commanders and heroes of the battle including
G.K.Jukov, Ya.V.Smushkevich, K.N.Kravchenko, S.Ch.Gritsevets, N.P.Yakovlev and
I.M.Remizov are displayed in the halls as
well. Maps and pictures of the Khalkhin Gol battle are embossed on the wall of
fame section of the museum.
Military field museum
In 2018, the military field
museum was set up at the battle field, which witnessed air and artillery
bombardment 80 years ago. Specialists from Dornod aimag’s Local Museum and ‘Victory’ Museum of
Khalkh Gol co-worked on the establishment of the field museum.
Massive ruins such as
fighter jets, vehicles and heavy weapons found in the territory of Khalkh Gol
soum, which do not fit in the museums, are the main exhibits of the field
It was decided to found the museum at Remizov Heights, covering an area with radius of three kilometers. It marks the spot where a 149th motorized rifle regiment commanded by Major I. M. Remizov had many fierce battles against the Japanese assault.