Cooperation agreement signed for ‘Every child deserves clean water’

2019-11-06 15:22:59

Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. Supporting ‘Every child deserves clean water’ project initiated by Mobicom Corporation--Mongolia’s largest mobile phone operator, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports (MECSS) today signed a partnership agreement with the Corporation.

The agreement was signed by the State Secretary of the MECSS B. Bayarsaikhan, and the Chairman and CEO of Mobicom Corporation Tatsuya Hamada.

In Mongolia, there are over 600,000 children attending the general educational schools, of whom 46 percent are studying in the condition without fresh water supply. Unclean hands and unsafe drinking water are source of infectious diseases. In addition, inadequate fluid intake or dehydration of children have an adverse effect on their immune system, slowing physical and brain activity, becoming inattentive, suffering headache and their activity at schools.

To mitigate this risk, Mobicom Corporation has launched a project Spread the Love and 10 percent of the earnings from ‘Charge with Love’ cellphone cards will be used to create conditions so that every child can have fresh water.





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