Largest artwork of Mongolian fine arts

Art & Culture
2019-12-23 16:20:04

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ A launching of the largest fine arts work of Mongolia ‘One day of the world’ took place on December 22 at ‘Art’ gallery of the Union of Mongolian Artists.

Artist N.Sergelen created the artwork together with his students S.Ganzam, Sh.Sainzul and N.Khosbayar and this artwork is the largest Mongol zurag or traditional style work of Mongolian art.  

The dimensions of the artwork is 21 meters long, 2.5 meters wide, encompassing a total area of 52.5 square meter. Mongol zurag method was utilized with water color and acrylic on white canvas.

Artist N.Sergelen dedicated 10 years of his work on basic research and 12 years simultaneously on enlivening the painting. Twelve years of meticulous work was dedicated to the artwork, of which the final five years were spent on painting it solely by himself.  

‘One day of the world’ shows different continents and countries of the world. Variety of lifestyles, animals, plants and natural wonders, innate traditions and cultures of different countries and ethnic groups, as well as the marvelous constructions of the world are summarized and displayed on one plane. Over five thousand different items are embedded into the painting.

Specialists noted that artists N.Sergelen’s master piece confirms the unique feature of Mongol zurag or a style of painting in Mongolian Art that is acknowledged by the universe of Visual Arts.