Government calling for public inputs on ‘Vision – 2050’ long term development policy

2020-01-20 16:03:32

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. ‘Vision – 2050’ Mongolia’s long-term policy document was handed over to Prime Minister of Mongolia U.Khurelsukh on January 03, 2020. Involving government ministries, agencies, scholars and experts, the draft document was formulated by a sub-working group set up upon an order No. 52 by the Prime Minister and a resolution No. 65 by Head of the Cabinet Secretariat of 2019.  

Almost three decades have passed since the new Constitution of Mongolia was adopted in 1991. Many key features of democracy, including respect for human rights and freedom, open foreign policy, press freedom, multi-party parliamentarian system and free market economy, sinking into the soil of Mongolia and developing ever since is an historic achievement.

On the other hand, it is not unknown that the human development indices that are falling behind, growing income inequality contributing to the gap between rich and poor, political stability on the rise driven by a lack of long-term policy, spread of corruption and bribery and declining social justice are what threatening the common values of the nation of Mongolia. 

Mongolia is positioned at 92nd out out 177 countries as regards its human development index value and at 74th from 190 countries in the ranking of ease of doing business index and is placed at 93rd by its level of public sector corruption, showing that Mongolia is far behind its regional countries and global average in terms of a number of indicators. 

The above mentioned circumstances draw out the necessity to have a macroeconomic policy embracing the future and enabling long-stable standing growth in the Mongolian economy that is not dependent on commodity cycle, and to maintain economic stability over the medium run on the basis of in-depth analysis of debt pressure and cost growth, which will help promoting self-sufficient economy immune to negative changes of external markets to ensure sustainable development in the long run, as well as to have far-reaching goals targeting economic and human development growth and supporting individuals with average income. 

Countries achieved a significant degree in development in the past 40-50 years, for instance, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and China, have successfully implemented long-term development policies they had devised with the help of efficient government planning and coordination by looking ahead to at least 4-5 years and those documents served as an important springboard for their rapid growth. 

Furthermore, long-running visions, strategies and policies shaped by long and medium term planning are laying the foundation of development of some countries that are emerging in the global economy as powerful players, China and India. A few examples would include China’s Hundred-year plan, ‘Long-Term Vision toward 2025’ approved by the Republic of Korea in 1999, ‘Kazakhstan 2050’ strategy, Long-term perspectives for the Norwegian Economy - 2060, Project Ireland 2040 National Planning Framework. 

The vital principles of Mongolia’s long-term development policy lie in its history, accomplishments and failures, remarkable nomadic way of life, mentality and values, and versatility of Mongolia people and their futuristic mindset.

As a correlation of past, present and future is preserved in the ideal linkage of mind, speed and essence, the long-term vision – 2050 will be a development model of Mongolia that is founded upon the exceptional features of the nation aligned with global progressive ideas. 

‘A Mongolian’ is the core of this long term development policy, and each target of the policy is eventually aimed at improving the wellness of a Mongolian. In conformity to the guiding principles of global development, the fundamental of Mongolia’s long term development policy is green growth and the country’s economy and infrastructure will be developed based on its potential of natural resources and advantages of geographical location. The wealth created through the economic growth will be distributed fairly to bring about social development. A conscious and educated citizen will use natural resources responsibly. 

The long term development policy of Mongolia has 9 fundamental goals and 50 development targets, which are carefully divided into three groups of actions of 10 years for 2020-2030, 2031-2040, and 2041-2050. Following missions are identified to be achieved, focusing on the vision of “Mongolia becoming a leader with its economic growth and social development and a country that achieved sustainable preservation of its nature, language, territorial integrity and culture”. 

1. Shared values of the nation – “Growing as a nation with a deep sense of national identity sharing common values”. 

2. Human development - "Bringing Mongolia’s Human Development Index value to 0.9 and to be ranked in the top 10 countries of the World Happiness Index".

3. Life quality and middle class - "Increasing the population share of the middle-income groups sustained by favorable living conditions up to 80 percent by 2050”. 

4. Economy - "Stepping over the threshold of developed countries by growing the GDP by 6.1 times and GDP per capita by 3.6 times to USD 15 thousand”. 

5. Good governance - "Establishing a good governance with full respect for human rights and justice and zero tolerance for corruption".

6. Green growth - "Promoting environmental sustainability combined with green growth".

7. Peaceful and safe society -"Creating internal and external environment to protect the vital national interests”.

8. Regional development - "Developing in-country regions that have joined regional economic integrations and with sustainable structure of human settlement and competitive qualities".

9. Ulaanbaatar city and satellite cities - "Building people-centered cities with comfortable and environment-friendly living conditions".

Considering all this, emphasis of the long term development policy will be put on creating a nation with common principles and consciousness, improving the systems related to human development, health care, education, family, science, innovation and labor, and fostering middle class growth, engaging in reforms to the social protection and insurance systems, creating an efficient system of affordable housing provision, supporting startup businesses and  promoting healthy and active lifestyle. 

Owing to the fact that an adequate identification of key economic areas will help paving the way for further growth, creating healthy environment for economy; mining and agriculture driven by balance between extractive and processing industries, as well as manufacturing industry (Heavy and Light and Food industries), energy, transportation and logistics and tourism sectors and creative industry with knowledge-based approaches will be given higher positions. 

Moreover, goals to ensure stability of governance, streamline to the distribution of power, and control, and organizational  structures of government organizations, to develop e-governance and improve the professional capacity and expertise of civil servants and ethics, to strengthen the civil society-private-public partnership, to reinforce the rule of law and to build governance with no corruption are also incorporated. 

The long term policy further encompasses reduction of urban bound migration and population density, implementation of economic policy across the country’s territory arranged into six economic regions, investment in the preservation of national culture, sustainable system of population settlement, inheritance of traditional and natural landscape with a balanced ecosystem achieved to future generations, economic diversification, development of green production and development of capital city Ulaanbaatar and satellite cities

The full version of the ‘Vision – 2050’ long term policy development policy is made available online to receive comments and suggestions from the public for the document. 

All feedback, comments and suggestions on the ‘Vision - 2050’ policy document are welcome via email address

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