Tavantolgoi-Gashuunsukhait and Tavantolgoi-Zuunbayan railroads to be connected

2020-09-23 16:24:28

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ At its regular meeting on September 23, the Cabinet authorized Tavantolgoi Railway company to construct the basic track structure of a 22 km railroad connecting Tavantolgoi Gashuusukhait and Tavantolgoi-Zuunbayan railroads and assigned relevant Ministers to develop the engineering design, carry out environmental impact assessment, and begin the project within this year. The necessary estimated funding will be provided by Erdenes-Tavantolgoi company.

It is estimated that the exploitation of coal, copper, coal, tungsten, zinc and fluorspar deposits of Tavantolgoi, Tsagaansuvarga, Aduunchuluun, Chandgana, Talbulag, and Khuut will increase annual exports to around 50 million tons and rail freight volume 3.5-fold.

The Cabinet also instructed relevant Ministers to approve a plan coordinating Tavantolgoi coal deposit mining and infrastructure development projects and programs and to oversee its implementation.

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