U.Khurelsukh: Armed forces must contribute to combating desertification and dust storms

2021-08-12 08:58:15

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. On August 11, President of Mongolia and Commander-in-Chief of the Mongolian Armed Forces U.Khurelsukh became acquainted with the work of Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces. 

Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Mongolia, Lieutenant General D.Ganzorig and officials of the Ministry presented the country’s defense policy, objectives, further works to be implemented, the security environment of Mongolia as well as the development trends of the Armed Forces. 

In recent years, natural disasters have been causing significant damage to human, livestock, and property.

In March alone, 10 people, including two children, have died due to the heavy dust and snowstorms that occurred covering several aimags.

“The Armed Forces must contribute to the fight against the natural disasters, especially desertification, dust storms, and disaster protection amid the fact that 70 percent of Mongolia's total pasture area has degraded. Special attention will be paid to this issue, alongside implementing certain projects and programs during the term of my office, for the next six years.” said President U.Khurelsukh.



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