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Тапан Мишра: Засгийн газрын санаачилгуудыг харахад Монгол Улс зөв чиглэлд явж байна
2023-06-07 10:19:26
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President Khurelsukh Receives Ambassador of Poland to Mongolia
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Winners of the “Best Mongol Calligrapher - 2024” International Contest Honored
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Ambassador of Türkiye to Mongolia Awarded the “Friendship Medal”
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President of Mongolia Hands Over Letters of Purpose and Motivation to the Recipients of the “President’s Scholar-2100” Scholarship
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Pilot Project Improves Livestock Meat Yield and Hide Quality
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Photostream: Winter in the Taiga
Magical Jarganat River: Unfrozen at -50°C
Best Artworks of 2024 on Display at the National Art Gallery of Mongolia
Public Transportation System of Ulaanbaatar City Fully Digitalized
Winners of the “Best Mongol Calligrapher - 2024” International Contest Honored
Ambassador of Türkiye to Mongolia Awarded the “Friendship Medal”
Mongolian Skiers Compete at the Asian Winter Games
Mongolian Team Participates in the Opening Ceremony of the Harbin 2025 Asian Winter Games
Young Mongolian Judokas to Compete in the Junior European Cup Series
MONTSAME News Agency, C.P.O Box 1514, B.Jigjidjav St-8, Chingeltei dist, Ulaanbaatar-15160, Mongolia,
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