Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Meets Elon Musk Online
Ulaanbaatar, June 7, 2023 /MONTSAME/. Yesterday Prime Minister of
Mongolia L. Oyun-Erdene held an online meeting with Tesla and SpaceX CEO, and Twitter
CTO Elon Musk, and exchanged views on cooperation.
During the conversation, the
Prime Minister underscored his support for Elon Musk’s endeavor to introduce
globally use of electric cars and green technology, and said that he would
facilitate via tax and legal environment if Tesla branch opens up in Mongolia. He
expressed readiness to urge citizens to use electric cars and make own contribution
as the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister asked Elon
Musk to start research on the joint use of copper and rare earth elements,
which are the main raw materials of Tesla's products, to support the electric
engine for large-scale mining vehicles, and to initiate a scholarship program
to train Mongolia's best IT engineers.
Elon Musk thanked the Prime
Minister of Mongolia for meeting online for the first time and said that he is
interested in Mongolia with its rich history, and will visit Mongolia whenever
possible. He expressed his pleasure to work together to increase the use of
electric cars in Mongolia.
Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene invited Mr. Elon Musk to attend the Mongolian Economic Forum to be held in Ulaanbaatar in July 2023.